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Gong Song (Cultural/Media and Communications)


What is Art? “GONG! !!!!”

Art is the outermost manifestation of the inner companioning and meeting and aura-ing the innermost being of the outer being brought forth in time

Gong Song is an on-line-zine with the following characters:

  • Welcome Dialogical Writers
  • Embrace Fluid and Multiple frames
  • GONG-ing poems, dreams, songs, lyrics, visual arts, and EXA

*** Special tribute to David Pleasant who has come up with the name and spirit of GS ***

Aesthetic and Art
The human being lives, understands and orients himself ‘shaping’ (expressing, forming, speaking). He is an ‘aesthetic’ being in a field of shaping-possibilities: he shapes and he relates (which can be understood as the same thing) to matter, time, space, the other person, the world in which he lives. As such he lives a paradox: he is an own being in a world that is world independently of him and simultaneously the two can only be thought together. This shaping process takes place on all levels of life, at all times and manifesting in all human capacities: it happens through the living body in the world (Merleau-Ponty). I am shaped by what I shaped and by what has a shape. It is a constant process of interdependence and mutual constitution of I-and-world..
… The human being thinks and this is how Merleau-Ponty thinks-imagines about thinking. What we categorize as four different human capacities called sensing – imagining – feeling – thinking belong thus together. They live each other forth. They are as intertwined as are the different senses. They shape and are shaped together.
… The human being is an aesthetic being whose desire to shape shapes her back.

~ Majken Jacoby

Inter-modality is about the coexistence of several modalities. Clinical experience leads me to consider two kinds of inter-modality: alternating inter-modality and simultaneous inter-modality.

Alternating inter-modality supposes a more or less rapid oscillation between two or more modalities over a period of time. For example, doodling on a page, changing it graphically and giving it a title can take a couple of minutes and uses two modalities – images and word.

Simultaneous inter-modality uses several modalities at a time. For example, the same doodle could evoke the smell and the movement of someone picking a flower. Two modalities are present at the same time – smell and corporeal movement, such that the modalities of image and word have faded into the background of existence; writing and drawing would then represent the mediality of this creative action.

~ Jacques Stitelmann